MMPI-2 for Mexico: Translation and Adaptation


Lucio G. M. Emilia,Reyes-Lagunes Isabel,Scott Ronald L.


Informa UK Limited


Arts and Humanities (miscellaneous),Clinical Psychology,Health, Toxicology and Mutagenesis

Reference24 articles.

1. Alvarez P (1984) 1n.fluencra de la personai~ciud atraues del MMPl en la elercion de carrera [Influence of the personalit) nn the select~on of the career through the MMPIJ Umprabl~shed doctoral d~ssertation.Unsversldad Iberoamerrcana, Mexlco City

2. Ampudra, R A , Skilman. M , & Vilianueva. E (1977) Tendrnclo a la soma,acro'ai en estrtdrantes de tnaaematrca~ v medicma urtiizando ei MMPP [Somarizatron tendency in mathematics students compared to medxal students usmg the MMPi] Unpublished 11-enciaturii thesis, Yat~onal Universtt) of Mexico, Mexlco Crty

3. k l l a . M , Izaguarre, M C , dr Sanchez, Q C (19701 honnas de cnt~ficacron del MMPl en ndolescentes en la E N E P de fa UN4M [MMPl rrhng norms. for adolescemts ra E K E P at UNAILI] Unpubirshed llcenciatura t h e m , Katlonai Wnrversit} of Mexico, M e x ~ c o City

4. Ben-Porath. Y S . B Butcher. 4 N (1989, The comparabtlltp of MMPl and MMPI-I scales and profiles Psychologicai Assesrrneni A l o u r m i oj Consulfrng m d Chnrcai Ps?cholog), I345-347

5. Butcher, J K (1990, March) Are your stud~es with the ongmal MMPI noa obsoleteq MMPI-2 Kens and Profiles.I , 3







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