Factors Influencing the Frequency of Use of Inquiry-based Approach to Teaching Primary Science/Čimbenici povezani s učestalošću primjene istraživački usmjerene nastave prirode i društva


Letina Alena


Abstract This paper presents results of a research whose aim was to determin whether there is a connection between the frequency of use of inquiry-based approach to teaching primary science and teachers attitudes towards the importance of this type of instruction, as well as their personal experience of participating in different forms of inquiry-based learning during their own formal education and training. The research was conducted using a sample of 275 elementary school teachers (grades 1 to 4) in the City of Zagreb and Zagreb County. The results indicate a statistically significant difference in the importance attributed to inquiry-based science instruction, frequency of its practical implementation, and personal experience with inquiry-based learning. Despite teachers' positive attitudes towards inquiry-based science instruction, the results have shown that it is not implemented in practice frequently enough, and the respondents only rarely experienced inquiry-based learning during their formal education. It has been observed that the teachers who attribute greater importance to inquiry-based science instruction and have had a more intense experience with inquiry-based learning during their formal education are the ones who organize their classes in this manner more frequently. The obtained results suggest that it is important to shape positive attitudes of future teachers towards inquiry-based teaching, and that it is necessary to involve them more systematically in inquiry-based forms of learning during their initial teacher training, so that they could implement them more efficiently and more confidently in their own teaching practice on the basis of competences they acquired in such a way. Key words: frequency of implementation; inquiry-based learning; science instruction; teachers attitudes.SažetakU ovome radu prikazani su rezultati istraživanja čiji je cilj bio utvrditi postoji li povezanost između učestalosti primjene istraživački usmjerene nastave prirode i drutva i stavova učitelja prema važnosti takve nastave te njihova iskustvenog sudjelovanja u različitim oblicima istraživačkog učenja tijekom osobnog formalnog obrazovanja. Istraživanje je provedeno na uzorku od 275 učitelja razredne nastave županije Grada Zagreba i Zagrebačke županije. Rezultati su pokazali statistički značajnu razliku u procjeni važnosti istraživačke nastave prirode i drutva, učestalosti njene primjene u praksi i iskustvenih doživljaja istraživačkog učenja. Unatoč pozitivnim stavovima učitelja o istraživačkoj nastavi prirode i drutva, pokazalo se da njezino provođenje u praksi nije dovoljno učestalo, a iskustveni doživljaji istraživačkog učenja tijekom formalnog obrazovanja ispitanika uglavnom su rijetki. Uočava se kako učitelji koji pozitivnije procjenjuju važnost istraživački usmjerene nastave prirode i drutva i oni koji su imali intenzivnija iskustva istraživačkog učenja tijekom formalnog obrazovanja, učestalije organiziraju nastavni rad na taj način. Dobiveni rezultati upućuju na zaključak o važnosti oblikovanja pozitivnih stavova budućih učitelja o istraživačkoj nastavi, ali i potrebi njihova sustavnijeg uključivanja u istraživačke oblike učenja tijekom inicijalnog obrazovanja, kako bi ih na temelju tako stečenih kompetencija mogli učinkovitije i s vie samopouzdanja provoditi u nastavnoj praksi. Ključne riječi: istraživačko učenje; nastava prirode i drutva; stavovi učitelja; učestalost primjene.


Faculty of Teacher Education, University of Zagreb



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