1. LROI RaportageLROI20180704S'Hertogenbosch, The NetherlandsDutch Arthroplasty Register (LROI)Orthopedische Implantaten in Beeld: Jaarrapportage uit de Landelijke Registratie Orthopedische Implantaten 2018https://issuu.com/novlroi/docs/magazine_lroi_2018?e=10489651/62934445
2. Rijksoverheid2018-03-07The Hague, The NetherlandsRijksoverheidZorgverzekering
3. Physiotherapy Exercise After Fast-Track Total Hip and Knee Arthroplasty: Time for Reconsideration?
4. Formal Physical Therapy After Total Hip Arthroplasty Is Not Required
5. Effects of remote feedback in home-based physical activity interventions for older adults: A systematic review