1. Undiagnosed pneumonia - China (Hubei): request for informationProMED International Society for Infectious Diseases201912302021-04-08https://promedmail.org/promed-post/?id=6864153
2. #China has reported to WHO a cluster of #pneumonia cases —with no deaths— in Wuhan, Hubei Province. Investigations are underway to identify the cause of this illness@WHO202001042021-04-08https://twitter.com/who/status/1213523866703814656?lang=en
3. According to the latest information received and @WHO analysis, there is evidence of limited human-to-human transmission of #nCOV. This is in line with experience with other respiratory illnesses and in particular with other coronavirus outbreaks@WHOWPRO202001182021-04-08https://twitter.com/whowpro/status/1218741294291308545?lang=en
4. Coronavirus bioweapon – how China stole coronavirus from Canada and weaponized itGreatGameIndia. Archived at the Internet Archive202001262021-04-08https://web.archive.org/web/20200313192627/https:/greatgameindia.com/coronavirus-bioweapon/
5. DurdenTDid China steal coronavirus from Canada and weaponize itZeroHedge. Archived at archive.today202001252021-04-08http://archive.is/1EZxt#selection-803.0-824.0