Influence of the Material Properties on Microgrooving u sing Wire Tools Electrodeposited with Diamond Grains


Gemma Masaya, ,Liu Jiayu,Sakamoto Satoshi, ,


In this study, the main objective is to clarify the relationship between the material properties of the work material and the grooving properties for various work materials from hard and brittle materials to metallic materials. In this paper, in order to investigate the grinding characteristics of diamond electroplated wire tools, including the wear characteristics, we conducted grooving experiments with borosilicate glass (Pyrex), which is a kind of hard and brittle material, and aluminum alloy (A5052), and tough pitch copper (C1100), a kind of metallic material, using diamond electroplated wire tools in a work material rotation method. As a result of the grooving experiments, it was clarified that the grooving characteristics of the work materials were influenced by the hardness and brittle behavior of the materials. The groove depth is influenced by the hardness and brittleness behavior of the material. When machining hard materials, the groove depth increases slowly in the initial stage of machining due to the poor bite of the wire tool, but increases rapidly as the machining progresses. On the other hand, the groove width does not depend on the machining time or speed, but is influenced by the hardness of the material and the ease with which plastic deformation occurs. The wear of the wire tool is also influenced by the hardness and brittleness of the material. In the machining of hard materials, the wear caused by stray wire and vibration in the early stages of machining was significant. The grinding ratio calculated from the ratio of the groove depth to the amount of grinding has a very different trend for hard and brittle materials and metallic materials. In the machining of hard and brittle materials, the amount of machining increased rapidly as machining progressed, so the grinding ratio also increased, but in metallic materials, the amount of machining itself was small and the grinding ratio did not increase. For A5052, the grinding ratio tended to decrease as machining progressed. Future work In the future, it is necessary to clarify the machining conditions to reduce the wear caused by stray wire tools and vibration during the initial machining of hard materials.


Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering and Sciences Engineering and Sciences Publication - BEIESP


Computer Science Applications,General Engineering,Environmental Engineering

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