Bundela Varun Singh, ,Patel Dr. Arun,
While most of the focus in waste management in on municipal solid waste management, it is important to note that MSW is but a small fraction of the total amount of waste generated in the India. The municipal Solid Waste Management Rules 2016 which is the major rules that governs Solid Waste Management in India. In out Country we generated some 1,00,000 MT tons of Municipal solid waste generated daily in my country. Even through MSW in dwarfed in size (and environmental impact) by other sectors, it should be that industrial waste is created in the process of providing us with the materials things that ultimately end up in our trash. Consuming less therefore saves not only the waste that would have ended up in the municipal waste stream but it also reduces the energy, materials and waste associated with providing those items that we may be able to live without cleanly, attention needs to be directed not just at the management of consumer waste but at the completed set of processes that result in the products our society seems to demand.
Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering and Sciences Engineering and Sciences Publication - BEIESP
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