When talking about the car door and its importance, all aspects should be considered. Main applications of the door is the protection of passengers from outside weather variations such as air flow, temperatures, dust, side impact, etc. As a part of the car, it is connected to the car body by means of hinges, latch, and weather seals. It is excited by all excitation sources which excite to the vehicle plus vehicle accessories. Car door design evaluation is nothing but simulation of real application of door with different loading and boundary connections. An extensive literature survey and study of technical papers have been done to understand the amount of work done on Car door design evaluation during 2002 - 2022. A mainly top-level study was done to find the number of analysis papers published, the number of papers published per year, and the number of papers published of each type of analysis, and a detailed study was carried out of the papers published on NVH analysis. NVH analysis of a Car door itself is a broad area for study and research. To make it simple and streamline NVH analysis papers are sub-divided into further classes that are modal analysis, vibration and noise analysis, correlation of modal, vibration, noise, and other NVH analysis results. A thorough review of published papers provided an inside picture of the subject, the current status of Car door NVH, and the scope of future research on Car door.
Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering and Sciences Engineering and Sciences Publication - BEIESP
Electrical and Electronic Engineering,Mechanics of Materials,Civil and Structural Engineering,General Computer Science
Reference60 articles.
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