1. Department of Haematology, Cambridge Institute for Medical Research and Addenbrooke’s Hospital, University of Cambridge, Cambridge CB2 0XY, England, UK
2. Wellcome Trust - Medical Research Council Cambridge Stem Cell Institute, University of Cambridge, Cambridge CB2 1TN, England, UK
3. Experimental Cancer Genetics, Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute, Wellcome Trust Genome Campus, Hinxton, Cambridge, CB10 1SA, UK
4. Tumour Profiling Unit, The Institute of Cancer Research, Chester Beatty Laboratories, London SW3 6JB, England, UK
5. Epinova DPU, GlaxoSmithKline, Medicines Research Centre, Stevenage SG1 2NY, England, UK
6. Lowy Cancer Research Centre and the Prince of Wales Clinical School, University of New South Wales, Sydney, NSW 2052, Australia
7. Cancer Science Institute, National University of Singapore, Singapore 119077
8. Harvard Stem Cell Institute, Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA 02115
9. Haematological Cancer Genetics, Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute, Wellcome Trust Genome Campus, Hinxton, Cambridge CB10 1SA, England, UK
10. Department of Hematology, Oncology, Hemostaseology, and Stem Cell Transplantation, Faculty of Medicine, RWTH Aachen University, 52062 Aachen, Germany