Maruta Natalia,Kalenska Galyna,Panko Tamara
The article presents the results of screening for factors of mental trauma, anxiety and depression, psychological characteristics of internally displaced persons (IDPs) who needed medical help. It was determined that most IDPs were distinguished by a decrease in resilience, low level of resistance to stress, the actualization of non-adaptive coping strategies, moderate severity of depression and high level of anxiety, which can be considered as goals of psychocorrection intervention in violation of the adaptation process in IDPs. A program for the psychocorrection of mental disorders of IDPs was developed and consisted of a combination of trainings of resilience and effective coping strategies. The results of its testing are presented and it is proved that its use can significantly reduce level of depression and anxiety, increase vitality, resistance to stress and contribute to the updating of more adaptive coping strategies.
Key words: internally displaced persons, adaptation, medical care, psychocorrection, mental disorders
Public Organization Association of Neurologists, Psychiatrists and Narcologists of Ukraine
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