Clinical phenomenology and complex system of therapy of anxiety disorders in internally displaced persons in modern conditions


Kozhyna Hanna,Zelenska Kateryna,Tolstaia Tetiana


The situation of military conflict and forced resettlement is extremely stressful. The problem of internally displaced persons is one of the most acute for Ukraine. A sharp change in life patterns, the breakdown of habitual relationships, loss of work, material and domestic problems cause the development of emotional and psychological symptoms and overstrain of human adaptation systems. All this leads to the formation of mental disorders. The aim of the study is to develop a comprehensive programme for the treatment of anxiety in internally displaced persons based on the study of clinical, psychological and pathological patterns of their formation. To achieve this goal, we conducted a comprehensive examination of 93 IDPs with anxiety disorders, both sexes, aged 20—55 years. All patients received regulated psychopharmacotherapy according to clinical protocols. In order to assess the effectiveness of the comprehensive treatment and rehabilitation program for IDPs with anxiety disorders developed in the course of the study, they were divided into two groups: a therapeutic group — 55 patients, who participated in the therapeutic program developed on the basis of their own research and a comparison group (38 patients), who received standard regulated therapy in a medical institution. Key words: IDPs, anxiety, anxiety, adaptation, therapy


Public Organization Association of Neurologists, Psychiatrists and Narcologists of Ukraine

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