1. The ``Ghost of LY alpha '' as Evidence for Radiative Acceleration in Quasars
2. Arav, N. 1997, in ASP Conf. Ser. 128, Mass Ejection from AGN, ed. N. Arav, I. Shlosman, & R. J. Weymann (San Francisco: ASP), 208
3. Hubble Space TelescopeObservations of the Broad Absorption Line QuasarPG 0946+301
4. Barlow, T. A. 1999, AJ, in preparation
5. Barlow, T. A., Hamann, F. & Sargent, W. L. W. 1997, in ASP Conf. Ser. 128, Mass Ejection from AGN, ed. N. Arav, I. Shlosman, & R. J. Weymann (San Francisco: ASP), 13