1. Evidence for Solar-like Oscillations in β Hydri
2. Butler, R. P. & Marcy, G. W. 1997, in ASP Conf. Ser. 134, Brown Dwarfs and Extrasolar Planets, ed. R. Rebolo, E. L. Martin, & M. R. Zapatero Osorio (San Francisco: ASP), 162
3. Butler, R. P., Marcy, G. W., Fischer, D. A., Vogt, S. S., Tinney, C. G., Jones, H. R. A., Penny, A. J. & Apps, K. 2001, in ASP Conf. Ser., Planetary Systems in the Universe-Observation, Formation and Evolution, ed. A. Penny, P. Artymowicz, A. M. Lagrange, & S. Russell (San Francisco: ASP), in press
4. Attaining Doppler Precision of 3 M s-1
5. A search for substellar companions to solar-type stars