Assessing Dissociation In Craniomandibular Disorders Individuals


Molina Omar Franklin,Santos Zeila Coelho,Simião Bruno Huber,Marquezan Rogério Ferreira,Marçal Ricardo Léllis,Marçal Juliana Romanelli,Melo Márllos Peres de


Objective. Develop a system to classify frequency of dissociation in CMD/bruxers, and evaluate the use of antianxiety and antidepres­sant drugs. Method. History of sign/symptoms, clinical examina­tion, muscle /joint palpation, criteria for Craniomandibular disorders (CMDs), severities of bruxing behavior, and the Dissociative Experi­ence Scale (DES), in 243 CMD individuals and 43 controls. A sys­tem with scores from 0-10%, 11-19%, 20-29%, 30-39% and 40% or higher was used to classify CMD individuals and controls as present­ing no, mild, moderate, severe and very severe dissociation. Results. 73,3% and 30,2% CMD and non CMD controls subjects, respec­tively, demonstrated some degree of dissociation (p<0.0001). Mild and moderate dissociation (55% , 24,2%) occurred more frequently as compared to severe and very severe dissociation (11,8, 9%), in the CMD group. CMD and dissociation individuals demonstrated great­er use of antianxiety but not antidepressant drugs than those without ( 31%, 11,4%, p=0.04) and (62%, 40%, p=0,32). Use of antianxiety and antidepressant drugs increased with the severity of dissociation (p=0,009, p=0.04). Conclusions. Dissociation in CMD/bruxing be­havior individuals varied greatly, mild and moderate dissociation oc­curred more frequently, and antidepressants rather than antianxiety drugs were used more frequently in CMD and dissociation patients than in those CMD without dissociation.


Universidade Federal de Sao Paulo


Clinical Neurology,Neurology

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