Sipha maydissensitivity to defences ofLolium multiflorumand its endophytic fungusEpichloëoccultans


Bastías Daniel A.12,Martínez-Ghersa Maria Alejandra1,Newman Jonathan A.3,Card Stuart D.2,Mace Wade J.2,Gundel Pedro E.1


1. IFEVA, Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas, Universidad de Buenos Aires, Buenos Aires, Argentina

2. Forage Science, AgResearch Limited, Grasslands Research Centre, Palmerston North, New Zealand

3. Department of Biology, Wilfrid Laurier University, Waterloo, Ontario, Canada


BackgroundPlants possess a sophisticated immune system to defend from herbivores. These defence responses are regulated by plant hormones including salicylic acid (SA) and jasmonic acid (JA). Sometimes, plant defences can be complemented by the presence of symbiotic microorganisms. A remarkable example of this are grasses establishing symbiotic associations withEpichloëfungal endophytes. We studied the level of resistance provided by the grass’ defence hormones, and that provided byEpichloëfungal endophytes, against an introduced herbivore aphid. These fungi protect their hosts against herbivores by producing bioactive alkaloids. We hypothesized that either the presence of fungal endophytes or the induction of the plant salicylic acid (SA) defence pathway would enhance the level of resistance of the grass to the aphid.MethodsLolium multiflorumplants, with and without the fungal endophyteEpichloë occultans, were subjected to an exogenous application of SA followed by a challenge with the aphid,Sipha maydis.ResultsOur results indicate that neither the presence ofE. occultansnor the induction of the plant’s SA pathway regulateS. maydispopulations. However, endophyte-symbiotic plants may have been more tolerant to the aphid feeding because these plants produced more aboveground biomass. We suggest that this insect insensitivity could be explained by a combination between the ineffectiveness of the specific alkaloids produced byE. occultansin controllingS. maydisaphids and the capacity of this herbivore to deal with hormone-dependent defences ofL. multiflorum.



Canadian Emerging Leaders in the Americas Program

Agencia Nacional de Promoción Científica FONCYT

Universidad de Buenos Aires UBA

Canadian Natural Science and Engineering Research Council




General Agricultural and Biological Sciences,General Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology,General Medicine,General Neuroscience

Reference77 articles.







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