1. Institute of Evolutionary Biology (CSIC-Universitat Pompeu Fabra), Barcelona, Spain
In most lineages, most species have restricted geographic ranges, with only few reaching widespread distributions. How these widespread species reached their current ranges is an intriguing biogeographic and evolutionary question, especially in groups known to be poor dispersers. We reconstructed the biogeographic and temporal origin of the widespread species in a lineage with particularly poor dispersal capabilities, the diving beetle genusDeronectes(Dytiscidae). Most of the ca. 60 described species ofDeronecteshave narrow ranges in the Mediterranean area, with only four species with widespread European distributions. We sequenced four mitochondrial and two nuclear genes of 297 specimens of 109 different populations covering the entire distribution of the four lineages ofDeronectes, including widespread species. Using Bayesian probabilities with an a priori evolutionary rate, we performed (1) a global phylogeny/phylogeography to estimate the relationships of the main lineages within each group and root them, and (2) demographic analyses of the best population coalescent model for each species group, including a reconstruction of the geographical history estimated from the distribution of the sampled localities. We also selected 56 specimens to test for the presence ofWolbachia, a maternally transmitted parasite that can alter the patterns of mtDNA variability. All species of the four studied groups originated in the southern Mediterranean peninsulas and were estimated to be of Pleistocene origin. In three of the four widespread species, the central and northern European populations were nested within those in the northern areas of the Anatolian, Balkan and Iberian peninsulas respectively, suggesting a range expansion at the edge of the southern refugia. In the Mediterranean peninsulas the widespread European species were replaced by vicariant taxa of recent origin. The fourth species (D. moestus) was proven to be a composite of unrecognised lineages with more restricted distributions around the Western and Central Mediterranean. The analysis ofWolbachiashowed a high prevalence of infection amongDeronectes, especially in theD. aubeigroup, where all sequenced populations were infected with the only exception of the Cantabrian Mountains, the westernmost area of distribution of the lineage. In this group there was a phylogenetic incongruence between the mitochondrial and the nuclear sequence, although no clear pattern links this discordance to theWolbachiainfection. Our results suggest that, in different glacial cycles, populations that happened to be at the edge of the newly deglaciated areas took advantage of the optimal ecological conditions to expand their ranges to central and northern Europe. Once this favourable ecological window ended populations become isolated, resulting in the presence of closely related but distinct species in the Mediterranean peninsulas.
Government of Spain
Secretaria d’Universitats i Recerca del Departament d’Economia i Coneixement de la Generalitat de Catalunya
General Agricultural and Biological Sciences,General Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology,General Medicine,General Neuroscience
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10 articles.