Rebirthing a Nation unmasks how white nationalist women refine racism through colorblind values, ideologies, and classifications to validate, promote, and sustain a white identity politic.
Analyzing web rhetorics of white nationalist, alt-right, and conservative white women, Wendy K. Z. Anderson reveals how white women sustain institutional white supremacy through coded language and digital design. The close textual analysis of GUI texts and instruction sets, organization of digital infrastructures, and easter eggs hidden within digital code offer critical, procedural, and infrastructural insight as to how white women facilitate whiteness. Contributing to conversations about agency and privilege, Anderson clarifies how gendered rhetoric and infrastructure is used to protect and preserve the centrality of whiteness.
Rebirthing a Nationenriches discussion about institutional and infrastructural racism by engaging how white women perpetuate racism. Anderson argues that once we understand how white privilege functions through white women’s voices, we can better advocate for strategies that resist problematic agencies and white privilege.