
Chebotareva Yu. Y.1,Letifov H. M.1,Kostoeva Z. A.2


1. Rostov state medical University

2. GBU “Center of protection of motherhood and childhood” Rostov state medical University


THE AIM: to evaluate the effectiveness of complex immunomodulatory therapy of vulvovaginitis in preschool children with urinary tract infection (UTI) by studying the features of vaginal microbiocenosis and immune status.PATIENTS AND METHODS. Prospective controlled randomized  study was conducted in 94 girls aged 3-6 years with vulvovaginitis,  of which 1 group (n=52) – vulvovaginitis with urinary tract  infections; 2 group (n=42) – girls with isolated vulvovaginitis. 2  types of treatment were used: standard treatment and treatment  with immunomodulatory drug comprising a recombinant interferon  alpha-2b and high-level antioxidants – ascorbic acid and alpha- tocopherol acetate.RESULTS.Microscopic examination revealed type III vaginal smear  in all patients. In 1-st group frequency of Gardnerella vaginalis,  Esherichia coli, Сandida albicans isolation increased, in 2-nd group –  Staphylococcus epidermidis, Enterococcus faecalis (microbial content more than 105 cfu/ml). In reviewing basic immunogram in girls og  1-st group revealed decrease of total content of CD3+CD8+-  lymphocytes (0,82 [0,79;0,99]×109/l vs 1,27 [1,01;1,44]×109/l,  p<0,05), CD3-CD16+CD56+-lymphocytes (0,29 [0,26; 0,32] ×  109/l vs 0,48 [0,41; 0,5] × 109/l, p<0,05), CD3-CD19+-lymphocytes (0,54 [0,5;0,61] × 109/l vs 0,98 [0,91;1,14] × 109/l in control, p<0,05). After complex treatment in 1-st group decreased  microbial colonizations of E.coli from 6,8±0,05×106 to  1,7±0,03×102 cfu/ml, р<0,05; in2-nd group – Staphylococcus  epidermidis from 3,6±0,02×106 to 1,5±0,2×102 cfu/ml, р<0,05,  and in vaginal smear noted normocenosis.CONCLUSION.Anti-inflammatory therapy of vulvovaginitis in girls with urinary tract infections, including the use of a complex antiviral  immunomodulatory drug containing recombinant interferon α2b and  highly active antioxidants – ascorbic acid and alpha tocopherol  acetate improves the condition of the vaginal biotope, immune  status, reduces the rates of microbial colonization, number of vulvovaginitis relapses.


Non-profit organization Nephrology


General Medicine

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