Endoscopic transpapillary interventions in treatment of patients with biliary hypertension of various genesis


Durleshter V. M.1,Gabriel’ S. A.1,Guchetl’ A. Ya.1,Dyn’Ko V. Yu.1


1. Region Clinical Hospital № 2, Krasnodar Region


OBJECTIVE. The study determined the efficacy of endoscopic transpapillary methods in diagnostics and treatment of patients with obstructive jaundice of different etiology. MATERIAL AND METHODS. The efficacy of endoscopic methods of diagnostics and treatment was analyzed in 1508 patients with obstructive jaundice (obstruction of bile outflow and increased bilirubin level more than 20 mkmol/l) at the period from 2008 to 2015. There was applied all possible methods of diagnostic and treatment endoscopic transpapillar interventions. RESULTS. The surgeries were efficient in 1463 (97,02 %) patients and they were ineffective in 45 (2,98 %) patients. There weren’t any lethal outcomes. CONCLUSIONS. The application of endoscopic interventions is a compulsory condition of the work of gastroenterological center.


FSBEI HE I.P. Pavlov SPbSMU MOH Russia


General Medicine

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