1. Millikan R A 1929 Encyclopaedia Britannia 14th edn, vol8, p340(original emphasis)
2. According to Aristotle, "'hales of Miletus (seventh century BC) believed that everything was made of water. SeeRussell B 1945 A History of Western Philosophy (New York: Simon and Schuster)p26
3. HeisenbergW 1971Physics and Beyond (New York: Harper and Row)p93
4. Dirac P A M 1929 Quantum mechanics of many-electron systems Proc. R. Soc. A 123 714-33
5. A comprehensive study of Compton's early ideas leading up to his theory of the Compton effect can be found in Stuewer R H 1975 The Compton Ejhect (New York ScienceHistory Publications). A good shorter account is in Mehra J and Rechenberg H 1982 The Historical Development of Quantum Theory vol 1 (New York: Springer)pp512-532