1. ~. R. Zurawski, The industrial communication systems, Proceedings of the IEEE, ~~(~):~~~~-~~~~, ~~~~.
2. ~. J.D. Decotignie, P. Dallemagne, and A. El-Hoiydi, Architectures for the interconnection of wireless and wireline fieldbusses, Proceedings of the ~th IFAC Conference on Fieldbus Systems and Their Applications @ (FET ~~~~), Nancy, France, ~~~~.
3. OSI Reference Model--The ISO Model of Architecture for Open Systems Interconnection
4. ~. N. Navet, Y. Song, F. Simonot-Lion, and C. Wilwert, Trends in automotive communication systems, Proceedings of the IEEE, ~~(~):~~~~-~~~~, ~~~~.
5. ~. H. Kopetz and G. Bauer, The time triggered architecture, Proceedings of the IEEE, ~~(~):~~~-~~~, ~~~~.