Optical Quantification (Densitometry) in TLC
Container-title:Encyclopedia of Chromatography, Second Edition
Reference11 articles.
1. Detection is versatile and flexible because the Technol. 2001, 24 (10), 1479-1490. mobile phase is removed prior to detection. 3. Petrovic, M.; Kastelan-Macan, M.; Babic, S. Because the detection process is static (the zones Quantitative evaluation of 2D chromatograms are stored on the layer), multiple, complemen- with a CCD camera. J. Planar Chromatogr. tary sensitive, selective, or universal detection Mod. TLC 1998, 11 (5),353-356. methods can be used. As an example, niacina- 4. Petrovic, M.; Kastelan-Macan, M.; Lazaric, K.; mide and g-aminobutyric acid in dietary supple- Babic, S. Validation of thin layer chromatograment capsules were quantified by HPTLC on a phy quantitation determination with a CCD single plate using densitometry in the fluores- camera and slit scanning densitometer. J. AOAC cence-quenching mode for the former and the Int. 1999, 82 (1),25-30. visible mode after spraying with ninhydrin for 5. Mustoe, S.P.; McCrossen, D. A comparison the latter.[20]between slit densitometry and video (flatbed 2. Use of the Software Processing of Scanned Chromatogram Images in Quantitative Planar Chromatography 3. Stroka, J.; Peschel, T.; Tittlebach, G.; Weidner, 17. Renger, B. Quantitative planar chromatography G.; van Otterdijk, R.; Anklam, E. Modification as a tool in pharmaceutical analysis. J. AOAC of an office scanner for the determination of Int. 1993, 76 (1), 7-12. aflatoxins after TLC separation. J. Planar Chro- 18. Renger, B. Contemporary thin layer chromatomatogr.Mod. TLC 2001, 14 (2),109-112. graphy in pharmaceutical quality control. J.