1. 1. W. D. Hinsberg, G. M. Wallraff, R. D. Allen, "Kirk-Othmer Encyclopedia of Chemical Technology" 4th Edition, Supplement Volume; John Wiley & Sons: New York, (1998) p233.
2. 2. a) P. C. Tsiartas, L. L. Simpson, A. Qin, C. G. Willson, R. D. Allen, V. J. Krukonis, P. M. Gallagher-Wetmore, Proc. SPIE-Int. Soc. Opt. Eng., 2438 (1995) 261.
3. (b) L. F. Thompson, C. G. Willson, M. J. Bowden, "Introduction to Microlithography" 2nd Edition; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, (1994) 197.
4. 3. See, for example, reference 2b, p190.
5. 4. (a) B. L. Goodall, S. Jayaraman, R. A. Shick, L. F. Rhodes, US 6136499, (2000).