Sociological Analysis of Attitudes of Professional Growth and Career in the Context of Digital Economy and Knowledge Society


Gelikh O. Ya.,Levitskaya A. N.,Pokrovskaia N. N.


A sociological analysis of the factors of integration of young generations into active economic life is based on a study of the values of young people in relation to employment and professional growth. The information society has two key parameters that influence the construction of the trajectory of educational, professional, labor or entrepreneurial activity — the significant role of knowledge in creating value and the digital space as a source of information and the place for individuals to fulfill themselves in society and the social and professional community. A theoretical analysis of labor socialization allows researchers to move on to the results of empirical studies carried out with the participation of authors in 2017 and 2019-2020. The data obtained are evaluative in nature and allow authors to draw conclusions about the influence of the media space on young people entering working age taking decisions on choosing a profession and a form of economic activity, planning employment and career growth.


Saint-Petersburg University of Management Technologies and Economics - UMTE

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