Staff Potential of the Regional Education System: The Concept and Evaluation Methods


Morozova Elena1ORCID,Golubickaya Lyubov'2,Kochneva Oksana3


1. Kemerovo State University

2. Agency for Infrastructure and Social Projects

3. State educational establishment Kuzbass Regional Institute of Professional Education Development


In many regions, the system of education is experiencing a personnel shortage, both quantitatively and qualitatively. High requirements for teaching staff determine the necessity for thoughtful and scrupulous approach to the development of teachers’ potential. The research aims to define the concept of regional education system personnel potential and develop a system of indicators for its analysis, which is the first step to provide educational institutions with high-quality personnel. Based on the analysis of scientific and methodological sources on the content and structure of human potential, the authors propose definition of regional education system human potential, as well as quantitative and qualitative indicators of its characteristics. Quantitative indicators are analyzed using statistical data, qualitative ones are investigated mainly using sociological and socio-psychological methods..


Kemerovo State University


Applied Mathematics,General Mathematics

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