It shows significantly decrease(p<0.05)in FSH hormone of white female rats for both concentration 400,800 mg/kg and the concentration 800 mg/kg is more significant in reducing the level of FSH hormone comparing with control group, It also show significant decrease(p<0.05)in LH hormone of with female rats for both concentration 400,800 mg/kg and the concentration 800 mg/kg is more significant in reducing the level of LH hormone when compared with control group. While the prolactin hormone shows significant increase (p<0.05) in white female rats for both concentration 400,800 mg/kg and the concentration 800 mg/kg is more significant in increasing the level of prolactin hormone. And the estradiol hormone shows significant increase (p<0.05) in white female rats for both concentration 400,800 mg/kg and the concentration 800 mg/kg is more significant in increasing the level of estradiol hormone. In short comparing with control group. The aqueous of leek extract acts as anti-fertility in white female rats through its negative effects on the FSH, LH, prolactin and estradiol hormone.
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