Purpose: Residents’ gender, residency level, and hospital types might influence their attitudes towards clinical supervision (CS); however, reports of its impact on cardiology residency are nonexistent. We explore the effect of gender, residency level, and hospital location’s effect on Indonesian cardiology trainees’ attitudes towards CS.Methods: A multi-centered, cross-sectional study was conducted. We invited 490 Indonesian cardiology residents in September– October 2019 to complete the Cardiology CS Scale. Residents’ attitudes, gender, university, and residency year were expressed using descriptive statistics. A Mann-Whitney test analyzed the gender and university location effect on residents’ attitudes. Training year and university’s impact were subjected to the Kruskal-Wallis test; a p-value of <0.05 reflected a significant result.Results: A total of 388 residents agreed to participate (response rate=79.18%). Most of them were male (n=229 [59,02%]), attended universities in Java Island (n=262 [67,52%]), and were in their 2nd–3rd year of training (n=95 [24.48%], each). There were no significant differences in residents’ attitudes between genders (U [Nmale=229, Nfemale=159]=17,908.50, z=-0.27, p=0.78). Generally, their attitudes were significantly affected by the university (H(7)=47.38, p<0.01). However, the university location (located in Java Island or outside Java Island) does not affect residents’ attitude towards CS (U [NJava=262, Nnon-Java=126]=15,237.00, z=-1.23, p=0.22). In addition, the residents’ training year also affected the residents’ response (H(2)=14.278, p<0.01).Conclusion: Cardiology residents’ attitudes towards CS are significantly influenced by training year and university but not gender or university location. The results might provide insightful information for further improvement of CS in cardiology training and guide further evaluation.
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Korean Society of Medical Education