Experimental study of the effect of the temperature of inert gases on the intensity of thermal decomposition of rubber


Pavlov G. I.1,Vankov Yu. V.2,Telyashov D. A.3,Zaynutdinova D. A.1,Mukatdarov A. A.2


1. Kazan National Research Technical University named after A.N. Tupolev

2. Kazan State Power Engineering University

3. Kazan National Research Technical University named after A.N. Tupolev; Kazan State Power Engineering University


THE PURPOSE. An experimental method is used to evaluate the effect of the temperature of inert gases on the rate of thermal decomposition of waste rubber products (fragments of a car tire) upon their direct contact.METHODS. The research was carried out on a test firing stand at a stationary mode of gas movement in the temperature range from 300 °C to 500 °C. The initial weight of the rubber was 4 grams. The thermal decomposition of rubber was carried out due to the thermal energy of inert gas released during the combustion of a propanebutane mixture with air at α = 1.1...1.15. The consumption of fuel and oxidizer remained constant, the change in gas temperature was carried out by heat exchange of hot gases and water in the heat exchanger.RESULTS. Metodology of conducting experiments, the object of research under the study, results of the research and their analysis are described in the article. The main parameters were selected: the rate of decrease in rubber mass depending on the temperature of the gases, the limiting value of the gas temperature at which sulfur in solid form remains in the decomposed part of the rubber.CONCLUSION. It was found that with increasing temperature of the inert gas, the rate of thermal decomposition of rubber increases. When rubber is in a gaseous environment in the temperature range from 450 0C to 500 0C, the sulfur content in the solid residue remains practically unchanged. The average rate of pyrolysis was 0.02 kg/h, which is 6 times higher than the rate of pyrolysis in the retort (0.003 kg/h).


Kazan State Power Engineering University

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