1. Leiden Malaria Research GroupDepartment of ParasitologyLeiden University Medical CenterLeidenThe Netherlands
2. Department of Medical MicrobiologyRadboud University Nijmegen Medical CenterNijmegenThe Netherlands
3. Department of Biomedical ChemistryGraduate School of MedicineUniversity of TokyoTokyoJapan
4. Department of Pharmacology and ToxicologyRadboud University Nijmegen Medical CenterNijmegenThe Netherlands
5. Department of Medical Statistics and BioinformaticsLeiden University Medical CenterLeidenThe Netherlands
6. Institut National de la Santé et de la Recherche Médicale (INSERM)ParisFrance
7. Université Pierre et Marie Curie‐Paris 6ParisFrance
8. AP‐HPGroupe Hospitalier Pitié‐SalpêtrièreService Parasitologie‐MycologieParisFrance
9. Sanaria Inc.RockvilleMarylandUSA