Monitoring of Cysticercosis of rabbits in farms of different forms of ownership


Bogach M. V.1ORCID,Horobei O. O.2ORCID,Ivanchenko O. M.3,Vovk D. V.2ORCID


1. Odesa Research Station of the National Scientific Center ‘Institute of Experimental and Clinical Veterinary Medicine’

2. National Scientific Center ‘Institute of Experimental and Clinical Veterinary Medicine’

3. Odesa State Agrarian University


The aim of the study was to determine the spread of pathogens of parasitic diseases in the digestive organs of rabbits in farms of various forms of ownership in Odesa Region. One thousand and two hundred rabbits of different age groups in specialized farms (which they use cage keeping of animals in compliance with all zoohygienic requirements and a balanced feeding ration), as well as 582 rabbits in private farms (which the type of feeding was mixed) were examined. Prevalence of parasitic infections of rabbits in specialized farms is 52.3%, in household farms — 85.1%. In specialized farms, prevalence of cysticercosis is 2.6% (with intensity of 3–7 cysticerci), eimeriosis — 14.0%, trichostrongylosis — 13.6%, and passalurosis — 20.6%, two-component (eimeriosis + cysticercosis) infection —1.0%, three-component (eimeriosis + cysticercosis + passalurosis) infection — 0.5%, total infestation (both mono- and mixed infections) with cysticerci — 4.1%. In homestead farms, prevalence of cysticercosis is 27.7% (with intensity of 21–64 cysticerci), eimeriosis — 15.6%, trichostrongylosis — 3.6%, and passalurosis — 6.7%, two-component (eimeriosis + cysticercosis) infection —24.2%, three-component (eimeriosis + cysticercosis + passalurosis) infection — 7.2%, total infestation (both mono- and mixed infections) with cysticerci — 59.1%. Cysticercosis is a common infection of rabbits in Odesa Region, which occurs often as part of mixed infections with pathogens eimeriosis and pasalurosis. The total infestation of rabbits with cysticerci in homestead farms was 55.0% higher than in specialized ones. One-component infestations in specialized farms is 97.1% of sick rabbits, and in homestead farms — 63.0%; two-component (eimeriosis + cysticercosis) infection — 1.9% and 28.5%, respectively; and three-component (eimeriosis + cysticercosis + passalurosis) infection — 1.0% and 8.5%, respectively


Kharkiv Entomological Society


Pharmacology (medical),Complementary and alternative medicine,Pharmaceutical Science

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