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2. Dubin, I.M. (2002). Tsistitserkoz piziformnyiy krolikov (epizootologiya, patogenez, simptomatika i meryi borbyi) [Pisiformis cysticercosis of rabbits (epizootology, pathogenesis, symptomatology and measures of struggle)]. Extended abstract of candidate’s thesis. Vitebsk [in Russian].
3. Melillo, A. (2007). Rabbit Clinical Pathology. J. Exot. Pet. Med., Vol. 16, 3, 135-145.
4. Chernenkov, E.N. (2016). Biologicheskie i produktivnyie kachestva krolikov pri vklyuchenii v ratsion probioticheskoy kormovoy dobavki «biogumel» [Biological and productive qualities of rabbits when included in the diet of a probiotic fodder supplement "biohumel"]. Extended abstract of candidate’s thesis. Volgograd [in Russian].
5. Demko, O.N. (2004). Myasnaya produktivnost krolikov pri ispolzovanii sena krapivyi [Meat production of rabbits using nettle hay]. Extended abstract of candidate’s thesis. Troitsk [in Russian].