Interpretation of the concept through the prism of quantum theory


Latiypova Yuliya Alfritovna,Vorob'eva Ol'ga Vladimirovna,Absalyamova Liliya Faritovna


Changes in the field of quantum theory taking place in modern science have also affected linguistics. Quantum mechanics is one of the major achievements of past difficulties. The object of study of quantum theory is a minimal, weekly particle - a quantum. The functional liquidity of quanta and linguistic units has been revealed, which makes it possible to transfer research from quantum mechanics to the field of cognitive linguistics. The quantum-cognitive approach expands the view of the concept of nature, highlights its quantum properties and allows us to consider its dynamics as a quantum wave process. In the article, the subject of research is the concept, its dynamics as a change in the states of the concept and its interaction in various combinations. The work pays attention to such phenomena as quantum entanglement, quantum nonlocality, measurement, and contextuality. Modeling in the quantum-cognitive aspect involves considering changes in the state of a concept under the influence of context. The state of the concept through the prism of quantum mechanics is considered as a wave function that changes under the influence of context. To apply general methodological approaches to describing both phenomena, we will focus on such phenomena as “quantum uncertainty” and “quantum entanglement.” The article explores the concept through the prism of quantum theory. The material for the study was scientific publications and articles selected by a continuous sampling method on the topics “Quantum Physics”, “Quantum Mechanics”, “Quantum Physics”, “Cognitive Linguistics”. The object of study of the article is the concept as a quantum immaterial cognitive formation that exists in the human mind. The study of the concept is based on a synthesis of the principles of two scientific directions: quantum mechanics and cognitive linguistics.


Aurora Group, s.r.o


General Earth and Planetary Sciences,General Environmental Science

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