The Concept in the Cognitive-Synergetic Aspect


Latiypova Yuliya Alfritovna,Spodarets Oksana Olegovna,Vorob'eva Ol'ga Vladimirovna


The article considers the concept from a cognitive-synergetic standpoint. The concept is an open, dissipative, non-linear, fractal structure, the development of which is based on the law of spiral fractality and self-similarity. The concept evolves according to the recursive principle, goes in a circle, returning to the starting point on a new round of evolution. The origin of the concept is based on both external necessity and internal need. By the formation of a concept we mean its transition from the mental area, to the language area, and then to the speech area. The concept arises in consciousness in the form of a virtual image as a result of perceptual perception of reality, and is updated, stored in the language and embodied in speech. The concept strives for perfection, but never reaches it, reaching its peak, it starts the process of evolution again in new conditions.


Aurora Group, s.r.o


General Earth and Planetary Sciences,General Environmental Science

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