To the questions of euthanasia in the BRICS countries: legal and moral-ethical framework in Brazil, Russia and China


Belikova Ksenia Michailovna


The subject of this research is the legal and moral-ethical framework of euthanasia (“a good death”) in such BRICS countries as Brazil, Russia and China from the perspective of analysis of the current regulatory and other acts and documents, doctrine, opinions of legal and medical experts, who provide pros and cons of such measure as euthanasia. The raised questions are viewed and analyzed from the position of an alternative to the previously researched aspects of therapeutic cloning, bioprinting (3D printing), growing organs and tissue that are developed and implemented in the context of the idea “No One Should Die”. The scientific novelty of this work is substantiated by articulation of the problem (examination from the perspective of law and moral-ethical perceptions), choice of countries (BRICS member-states), and analysis of the most recent materials (for example, Law of the People's Republic of China “On Basic Healthcare and Health Promotion” passed on December 28, 2019 (effected on June 1, 2020); Resolution of the Ministry of Health of Brazil of October 31, 2018 No.41 “On Recommendation for Organization of Palliative Care within the framework of Help Provided Through Unified Healthcare System”), and earlier, but also relevant acts and documents (Law of the Russian Federation of November 21, 2011 No. 323-FZ “On the Basis of Health Protection of Citizens in the Russian Federation”, amended on April 34, 2020, etc.). A conclusion is made that euthanasia could be only active and voluntary, when a decision is made by a person with incurable disease, of sound mind, who comprehends the actions and their consequences.


Aurora Group, s.r.o

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