Responsibility of scholars for engineering, development and implementation of the technologies for euthanasia: certain aspects


Belikova Ksenia Michailovna


The subject of this research is certain aspects of responsibility of the scholars for engineering, development and implementation of the technologies for euthanasia. The author raises the questions: whom the scholar is responsible to (his conscience, future and currently living generations), for what (scientific components of his development/discovery, their application and consequences), what type of responsibility (moral, legal). The author seeks answers on the basis of studying, scientific comprehension and analysis of the developing and existing mechanism, methods, and means for euthanasia as legally permitted or prohibited in the medical establishments. The ideas underlying the support and implementation of euthanasia are examined. The scientific novelty is substantiated by articulation of the problem: responsibility of a scholar (medical personnel, etc.) with regards to the practice (ban of a number of aspects in the practice) of euthanasia on the example of legislation of the countries, in which it is allowed (was allowed) or unwelcomed. Among the formulated conclusions is the idea that any approach is based on persuasions of a person; there is not special morality, a scholar always remains a human, with all the weaknesses and strength. Namely these persuasions lead the licensed medial practitioners toward creation of technologies, means and methods for alleviation of suffering and acceleration of death.


Aurora Group, s.r.o

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