Clinical and Histological Comparison of Polyglycolic Acid Suture with Black Silk Suture after Minor Oral Surgical Procedure


Balamurugan R,Mohamed Masroor,Katikaneni Hari Krishna Rao,Kumar KR Ashok


ABSTRACT Any suture material, absorbable or nonabsorbable, elicits a kind of inflammatory reaction within the tissue. Nonabsorbable black silk suture and absorbable polyglycolic acid suture were compared clinically and histologically on various parameters. Materials and methods This study consisted of 50 patients requiring minor surgical procedure, who were referred to the Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery. Patients were selected randomly and sutures were placed in the oral cavity 7 days preoperatively. Polyglycolic acid was placed on one side and black silk suture material on the other. Seven days later, prior to surgical procedure the sutures will be assessed. After the surgical procedure the sutures will be placed postoperatively in the same way for 7 days, after which the sutures will be assessed clinically and histologically. Results The results of this study showed that all the sutures were retained in case of polyglycolic acid suture whereas four cases were not retained in case of black silk suture. As far as polyglycolic acid suture is concerned 25 cases were mild, 18 cases moderate and seven cases were severe. Black silk showed 20 mild cases, 21 moderate cases and six severe cases. The histological results showed that 33 cases showed mild, 14 cases moderate and three cases severe in case of polyglycolic acid suture. Whereas in case of black silk suture 41 cases were mild. Seven cases were moderate and two cases were severe. Black silk showed milder response than polyglycolic acid suture histologically. Conclusion The polyglycolic acid suture was more superior because in all 50 patients the suture was retained. It had less tissue reaction, better handling characteristics and knotting capacity. How to cite this article Balamurugan R, Mohamed M, Pandey V, Katikaneni HKR, Kumar KRA. Clinical and Histological Comparison of Polyglycolic Acid Suture with Black Silk Suture after Minor Oral Surgical Procedure. J Contemp Dent Pract 2012;13(4):521-527.


Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishing


General Dentistry

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