Interactive learning media for martial arts using smart apps creator: A development study for pencak silat training
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Hasibuan Bangun Setia1, Ilham Zulpikar1, Bangun Sabaruddin Yunis2, Sunarno Agung1, Suganda Mikkey Anggara3, Suryadi Didi4
1. Department of Physical Education, Health and Recreation, Universitas Negeri Medan, Indonesia 2. Department Sports Coaching Education, Universitas Negeri Medan, Indonesia 3. Department of Physical Education, Health and Recreation, Universitas Nahdlatul Ulama Cirebon, Indonesia 4. Postgraduate of Sports Science, Faculty of Sport and Health Science, Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta, Indonesia
The introduction of Android-based interactive learning in martial arts education is a new approach. This study sought to develop and assess the efficacy of a custom martial arts lecture tool designed to improve proficiency in basic techniques. Using a research and development framework utilising the ADDIE method, which includes analysis, design, development, implementation, and evaluation, this study focused on students of the Faculty of Sport Sciences at Medan State University. Using a random sampling technique, 15 participants were selected for the small-scale trial, while 30 participants were selected for the large-scale evaluation. The results of the pilot test, in accordance with the assessment criteria, showed that the developed app scored high in terms of usability, ease of use, ease of learning, and overall satisfaction. In addition, analysis of the pre-test and post-test scores conducted using paired sample t-tests showed a significant improvement in student performance. Specifically, the mean score increased from 7.6 in the pre-test to 8.73 in the post-test, with a significance value (2-tailed) of p = 0.001, indicating a significant difference between the initial and final assessments. In summary, these findings suggest that an Android-based learning application developed using Smart Apps Creator is a highly effective educational tool for mastering basic martial arts techniques.
DJ Studio Dariusz Jasinski
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