The article presents the results of the study on fatty acids content of broiler chickens purchased from retailers and broiler chickens grown in organic farming. In the study we compared the obtained results. There are also results of the influence of developed preventive drug postbiotic on the fatty acid composition of broiler chickens. The samples were compared in terms of their nutritional value and quality. Chicken that goes into the retail network is obtained from broiler chickens grown in a traditional (intensive) technological way. Organic poultry is extensive. For the experiment in organic farming, we formed the 2 groups (control and experiment). In the experimental group, broiler chickens received a prophylactic preparation - a postbiotic with organic feed, and no drugs were used in the control. In-depth studies of the mechanisms of its effect on the body of chickens and the quality of the products obtained were studied changes in the fatty acid composition of total lipids in skeletal muscle and the biochemical composition of the muscle tissue of chickens. There were no significant changes in the fatty acid content of the tested meat compared with the control group. The content of palmitoleic, linoleic and caprylic acids is slightly increased. The fat content of heavy broiler chickens is much higher than that of broiler chickens. The best fatty acid ratio of omega-3 and omega-6 is found in organic chicken meat. Retail chicken meat has a lower omega 6 content, significantly higher than palmitic acid omega 3. Organic chicken meat contains 3-5% less fat compared to retail chicken. In the meat of chickens grown using organic technology, the amount of saturated fatty acids increased significantly by 11.13%, there is a significant decrease in omega-6 fatty acids by 7.57% and an increase in the amount of omega-3 fatty acids by 0.8% compared to with chicken from the retail chain. Therefore, the value of organic chicken meat lies not only in the absence of residues of antibiotic substances, pesticides and herbicides, but also in its biological value and dietary properties.
Odessa National Academy of Food Technologies
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