1. Major Economic Shocks and Pacific Island Countries,;Colmer;Australian Treasury, Presented at the Pacific Islands Conference in Samoa on March 23,2012
2. The Pacific Speed of Growth: How Fast Can It Be and What Determines It?;Yang;Presented at the Pacific Island Conference in Samoa on March 23, 2012, http://www.imf.org/external/np/seminars/eng/2012/pic/pdf/yypap.pdf,2012
3. The End of an Era? The Medium-and Long-term Effects of the Global Crisis on Growth in Low-Income Countries,;Berg;IMF Working Paper, WP/10/205
4. From West to East: Estimating External Spillovers to Australia and New Zealand,;Sun;IMF Working paper No. 11/120,2011
5. Policy Challenges for Emerging Asia and Australia from Rebalancing in China and Downside Risks in the Global Economy;Jauregui;published as selected issue paper, forthcoming as IMF working paper,2011