1. St. Petersburg State Pediatric Medical University
2. Research Clinical Institute of Childhood of the Moscow Region»
High prevalence of food allergy (FA), increasing frequency of severe cases despite the progress achieved in the study of this pathology makes it necessary to develop new methods for diagnosis, treatment and prevention of food allergies. At the Congress of the European Academy of Allergology and Clinical Immunology (EAACI) 2021 current problems of allergology and immunology were considered, such as the influence of environmental factors on the development of FA, including the effects of microplastic contamination in food on development of allergic diseases, global warming, large-scale urbanization, that lead to an imbalance in the microbiota of the macroorganism, reduction in its diversity, followed by alterations in gut microbial colonization and the development of FA; determination of FA markers with detecting previously unidentified allergens that cause severe allergic reactions. Assessment of risk factors and biomarkers of the severity of FA was discussed, as well as the importance of component diagnostics, which allows predicting acute allergic reactions, determining indications for prescribing AIT, and maximizing individualization of treatment. Innovative treatment approaches were presented using biological therapy, the role of pre- and probiotics, fecal microbiota therapy in restoring the microbiome; features of the diet that regulates the gut microbiota. In considering the prevention of FA changes were made to the previous EAACI recommendations for monitoring children in the first year of life, monitoring the state of adolescents with FA.
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