Digitalization as an enterprise management tool


Kilyar OleksandraORCID,Romaniv Alla,Slotiuk Artem,Midlo Bogdan


The essence and features of digitalization at enterprises as an element of their competitive advantage are considered in the article, the place and role of digitalization in increasing competitiveness and the preconditions and problems of digitalization of enterprises are identified, tasks and measures for digitalization of enterprises are defined using modern information technologies and methods of enterprise management, determining the main aims and priorities of the enterprises activity under strengthening of a competition and deepening of integration processes of global economy. Digitalization is considered as a priority need for change and adaptation of enterprise management in a pandemic. The state of economic entities during the COVID-19 pandemic is analyzed in the article. The following features are revealed in the study: the pandemic and quarantine caused a decline in consumer incomes, which led to a general decline in corporate profitability and increased operating costs; the change in market conditions caused by the pandemic has prompted businesses to adapt to new conditions through the introduction of innovative technologies, new communication channels and information systems. It has been established that the changes caused by global processes and the COVID-19 pandemic have led to significant changes in the classic business management system, and the transition to business digitalization has become a prerequisite for competitive advantage in today's environment. The use of information systems, elements of artificial intelligence in the business management system has allowed many business owners to not only stay in the market, but also gain new benefits. The approach of the "Three Horizons" of enterprise development is considered, which is based on the analysis of opportunities for growth and search for ideas for the desired horizon: the advantage of security and creating additional benefits for customers.


Ternopil Ivan Puluj National Technical University


General Engineering

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