Business process & risks: bibliometric and visualized analysis


Syhyda Liubov,Malytskyi Ivan,Mei Jingguo


Business processes form mechanisms for enterprises functioning. They drive actions, help enterprises achieve results, and be profitable and productive. However, in some cases, enterprises need help in providing new business processes, or some problems occur in old ones. The reason can be risks. In some cases, risks cause unexpected changes in all processes at the enterprise level. Fast and meaningful actions can help to prevent crises. Based on bibliometric and visualization analysis, the research aims to study risk influence on business processes. The papers’ search was conducted using bibliometric analysis. We used the Scopus database, one of the most consequential and up-to-date. Following the setup criteria, we’ve achieved 671 articles for further analysis. To determine articles, we used two keywords, «business process» & «risk», joined with the logical operator «AND». The «title, abstract, keywords» field was used as a search field. We’ve explored gathered and summarized papers in BibExcel. Pajek was used to present the obtained results and build visualization maps. The research allowed achieve some insights. First, the investigated problem is on the rise. Intensification of publication activity only started in 2005. As for now, the peak of publications was in 2022, with 56 papers. Second, the most contributing authors present five countries. So, the investigated problem seems to have a global essence. Nevertheless, cooperation between scientists isn’t deep, and no formed clusters exist. Third, scientists published 7% of papers in two influential journals – Business Process Management Journal & Sustainability. Both journals have high SNIP and belong to Q1. Fourth, scientists from Europe, Asia, North America, Australia, and Africa work on it. Though the United States and the United Kingdom perform in leading positions, Ukraine is tenth, with 23 articles published within ten years. Fifth, three of the most frequently used keywords form three clusters in connection with other keywords. They are risk management, risk assessment, and business process. Thus, the importance of risk management during the implementation and management of business processes is crucial. Bibliometric analysis proves it.


Ternopil Ivan Puluj National Technical University

Reference10 articles.

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