Ostapchuk Tetiana,Biriuchenko Svitlana,Orlova Kateryna,Sotnyk Anhelina
The article provides a theoretical understanding of the methodological approach to evaluating the work of HR-services, on the basis of which a conceptual model of research in HR-management was built. According to the defined model, the evaluation methodology in HR-management consists of a set of elements: the purpose of evaluating the effectiveness of human resources management; evaluation principles, methods and tools, as well as the evaluation procedure itself, which are described in the article. Attention is focused on the primary goals of HR-management and the criteria for their determination and achievement. Among the main principles of evaluation of human resources management the principles of optimality, reachability, transparency, periodicity, comprehensiveness and systematicity were singled out. It is noted that standard scientific methods are used in the assessment of HR-management, such as the systematic approach, logical, factor analysis, statistical, graphic, interview, questionnaires, testing, point method, and a number of the latest methods implemented in Ukrainian practice were also highlighted: management by objectives, circular assessment, assessment by competences or skills, knowledge, skills, experience and suitability for the position, assessment center, independent judges, KPI, integral indicator, etc. When describing the evaluation tools, metrics were selected in the direction of evaluating the effectiveness of HR-services and evaluating the enterprise’s personnel. In addition to directions, all metrics were grouped by business processes in HR-management to ensure the possibility of evaluating a specific process of recruiting, training, involvement, motivation, etc. A number of comparative characteristics of metrics and KPI are presented. By describing the evaluation procedure, possible evaluation objects and evaluation subjects, the order and place of the evaluation are determined. Possible digital tools for ensuring effective communications in HR management are outlined. The proposed methodological approach contributes to highlighting the general conceptual model of evaluation in HR-management and avoiding problems related to setting key goals, choosing methods and objects of research, and organizing the HR process evaluation procedure itself.
Ternopil Ivan Puluj National Technical University
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