1. Field Crops Department, College Of Agriculture, University Of Anbar- Anbar - Iraq
Allelopathic effects of the sunflower verities Helianthus annuus residues were evaluated on some soil properties and their potential against growth parameters of the proposed successive crops Wheat Triticum aestivumL., Broad Bean Vicia fabe L. and Flax Linum UstatissmimL. Sunflower plants were chopped and incorporated with field soil after getting seed, and then successive crops were cultivated. The sunflower residues have reinforced the soil with the macronutrients considered essential for the germination of any crop. The soil organic matter content and the percentage of organic carbon in the ground were increased. Significant suppression of broad bean and flax crops was observed, while the sunflower residues did not affect wheat growth. The results obtained showed that broad bean and flax crops are not recommended to grow after the sunflower crop to avoid losses due to the negative allelopathic potential of these crops. Sunflower residue incorporation may provide multidimensional benefits for better weed control, enhanced soil health, and higher seed yield of wheat.
Keywords: Allelopathic effect; Sunflower residues; Succssesive crops. Crop injury symptoms
Infectious Diseases,Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology,Epidemiology,Biotechnology
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