Relationship of the CYP17 gene (T2231A) to milk production and its components in goats


Muhammad Abdullah Walaa1,Ismail Ibrahim Wafaa1,Najm Abdullah Ali2


1. College of Agricultural Engineering, University of Baghdad

2. Agricultural research office


The experiment was conducted at the Ruminant Research Station of the General Authority for Agricultural Research / Ministry of Agriculture on a sample of 53 goats of two breeds (26 Shami goats and 27 local goats), as well as the Scientific Progress Laboratory specialized in biotechnology and genetic material analysis. In order to determine the genotypes and allelic repeats of the CYP17 gene in goats to determine its relationship to milk production and its components, after the completion of the PCR polymerase chain reaction, the results were sent to the Humanizing Genomics Macrogen Company in South Korea to detect the genotypes of the studied area using the sequencing technology, Two genotypes TT and TA were obtained at the site (T2231A), and the percentage of TT genotype was 26.92% for Shami goats. The percentage of TA genotype was 73.08, and the relationship between them was significant (P≥0.05). The allelic frequency of the T allele was And A 0.63 and 0.37, respectively, where the results showed a significant relationship (P≥0.05) between the genotypes and the amount of total milk production and the percentage of solids that are not fatty. The animals carrying the TT genotype recorded the highest amount of production than those carrying the TA genotype, 571.08 ± 48.69 and 432.24 ± 50.56, respectively. Also, the animals carrying the TT genotype outperformed the animals carrying the TA genotype in the percentage of solid non-fat components, which scored 12.79 ± 1.66, and they scored 9.89 ± 1.63. The percentage of TT genotype for domestic goats was 40.74%, and the percentage of genotype TA was 59.26. the relationship between them was significant (P≥0.05), and the allelic frequency of the T and A alleles was 0.70 and 0.30, respectively. The results also showed a significant relationship (P≥0.05) between the genotypes and the amount of total milk production of the local goats, where the animals carrying the TT genotype recorded the highest amount of production than the animals carrying the TA genotype, and it scored 548.15 ± 72.06 and 350.10 ± 47.94, respectively. Thus, the CYP17 gene can be used in genetic improvement programs. Keywords: Goats; CYP17 Gene; Genotype; Milk Production.


Clinical Biotec


Infectious Diseases,Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology,Epidemiology,Biotechnology

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