Drinking Water From Private Wells and Risks to Children


Woolf Alan D.1,Stierman Bryan D.1,Barnett Elizabeth D.2,Byron Lori G.3,Woolf Alan D.,Stierman Bryan D.,Barnett Elizabeth D.,Byron Lori G.,Bole Aparna,Balk Sophie J.,Byron Lori G.,Huerta-Montañez Gredia Maria,Landrigan Philip J.,Marcus Steven M.,Nerlinger Abby L.,Patel Lisa H.,Philipsborn Rebecca,Woolf Alan D.,Zajac Lauren,Gray Kimberly A.,Briskin Jeanne,DeNicola Nathaniel G.,Karwowski CDR Matt,Briggs Aaron,Ward Mary H.,Spire Paul,Maldonado Yvonne A.,O’Leary Sean T.,Ardura Monica I.,Banerjee Ritu,Bryant Kristina A,Campbell James D.,Caserta Mary T.,John Chandy C.,Gerber Jeffrey S.,Kourtis Athena P.,Ratner Adam J.,Romero José R.,Shah Samir S.,Zangwill Kenneth M.,Kimberlin David W.,Barnett Elizabeth D.,Lynfield Ruth,Sawyer Mark H.,Bernstein Henry H.,Farizo Karen M.,Kafer Lisa M.,Kim David,Medina Eduardo López,Moore Denee,Panagiotakopoulos Lakshmi,Sauvé Laura,Silverman Neil S.,Starke Jeffrey R.,Tomashek Kay M.,Wharton Melinda,Frantz Jennifer M., ,


1. aDepartment of Pediatrics, Boston Children’s Hospital and Harvard Medical School, Boston, Massachusetts

2. bDepartment of Pediatrics, Boston Medical Center and Boston University School of Medicine, Boston, Massachusetts

3. cIndian Health Service (retired), SCL Health, Billings, Montana


Drinking water for >23 million US households is obtained from private wells. These wells can become contaminated by chemicals, naturally occurring toxic substances, or pathogenic organisms that can cause illness in children. Although the US Environmental Protection Agency and most states offer some guidance for the construction, maintenance, and testing of private wells, most states only regulate the construction of new private water wells. With few exceptions, well owners are responsible for their own wells after the initial construction. Children may also drink well water at childcare or when traveling. This policy statement provides recommendations for the inspection, testing, and remediation of private wells to provide safe drinking water for children.


American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP)


Pediatrics, Perinatology and Child Health

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