Stimulant Treatment in Maryland Public Schools


Safer Daniel J.1,Malever Michael2


1. From the Departments of Psychiatry and Pediatrics, Johns Hopkins Medical Institutions, and the

2. Maryland State Department of Education, Baltimore, Maryland.


Objective. A statewide school survey was performed to provide naturalistic data on the prevalence of medication administered to Maryland public school students for the treatment of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) to clarify the concern of some state legislators about stimulant treatment for youths. Methods. In April 1998, school nurses supervised a survey of all Maryland public school students medicated during school hours for ADHD. The data collected on these students included: type of medication administered, gender, school level, race/ethnicity, special education and Section 504 status, and the specialist of the prescriber. Results. Of the 816 465 students surveyed, 20 050 (2.46%) received methylphenidate and 3721 (0.46%) received other medications for ADHD. Other major findings were: 1) methylphenidate constituted 84% of all the medication administered for ADHD; 2) the male:female ratio of the medication's recipients was 3.5:1 and 4.3:1 in elementary and secondary school, respectively; 3) black and Hispanic students received methylphenidate at approximately half the rate of their white counterparts; 4) 45% of all students receiving methylphenidate had special education status and an additional 8% had Section 504 status; and 5) nurse practitioners were the prescribers of 3% of the methylphenidate prescribed to Maryland students. Conclusions. This large, population-based, point prevalence study of medication administered to students for ADHD adds new and updated findings on prevalence variations, rates for minority and special education/Section 504 students, and specialty prescriber rates.


American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP)


Pediatrics, Perinatology and Child Health

Reference40 articles.

1. A survey of medication treatment for hyperactive/inattentive students.;Safer;JAMA.,1988

2. The increased rate of stimulant treatment for hyperactive/inattentive students in secondary schools.;Safer;Pediatrics.,1994







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