Herbage Quality of Eight Native Hordeum Ecotypes Collected From Natural Grassland & Pasture Ecology of Southeastern Anatolia


Seydoşoğlu Seyithan1ORCID,Basbag Mehmet2ORCID





In this study, plant samples of eight different ecotypes of three distinct species of the genus Hordeum were collected at the anthesis stage of the plants in the 2023 spring in Southeastern Anatolia's natural grassland and pasture ecology. The quality analyses of the herbage samples of Hordeum bulbosum, H. murinum, and H. spontaneum ecotypes collected from five different locations (Karacadag-I, Batman-1, Diyarbakır-6, Diyarbakır-8, and Diyarbakır-13) were determined by NIRS analyzer. Crude protein (CP), dry matter (DM), acid detergent insoluble fiber (ADF), neutral detergent insoluble fiber (NDF), acid detergent insoluble protein (ADP), Ca, K, Mg, P, Ca/P, K/(Ca+Mg), digestible dry matter (DDM), dry matter intake (DMI) and relative feed values (RFV) were determined. The values were determined between 8.2-23.4% for CP; 92.1-93.4% for DM; 19.3-36.2% for ADF; 26.2-71.9% for NDF; 0.16-0.71% for ADP; 60.7-73.9% for DDM; 1.67-4.58% for DMI; 78.6-262.8 for RFV; 0.30-0.42% for P; 1.72-2.84% for K; 0.12-1.62% for Ca; 0.17-0.30% for Mg; 0.33-3.84 for Ca/P; 2.76-4.77 for K/(Ca+Mg). In conclusion, the CP, ADF, NDF, DMI, RFV, and Ca/P values were found very variable in collected ecotypes and can be used for forage barley breeding purposes.


Yuzuncu Yil Universitesi Tarim Bilimleri Dergisi

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