1. See R. Begam and M. Valdez Moses (eds) (2007) Modernism and Colonialism (Durham, NC and London: Duke University Press), pp. 7 and 5.
2. H. Bhabha (1995) The Location of Culture (London: Routledge), especially pp. 109–10.
3. See P. Mitter (2007) The Triumph of Modernism: India’s Artists and the Avantgarde 1922–47 (London: Reaktion), pp. 9, 11. For a recasting of the canonical self-other relationship of empire as a relationship that can be seen as taking place ‘between others’ or between various different ‘centres’, see E. Boehmer (2002) Empire, the National and the Postcolonial: Resistance in Interaction (Oxford University Press). See also chapters 3–5 in E. Boehmer (2005) Colonial and Postcolonial Literature: Migrant Metaphors (Oxford University Press).
4. K. Mansfield (1981) ‘The Luft Bad’, in The Collected Short Stories (Harmondsworth: Penguin), pp. 729–32.
5. L. Doyle and L. Finkiel (eds) (2005) Geo-modernisms: Race, Modernism, Modernity (Bloomington: Indiana University Press); see also H. Booth and N. Rigby (eds) (2000) Modernism and Empire (Manchester University Press, 2000).