1. V. Tolz and I. Busygina, ‘Regional Governors and the Kremlin: the Ongoing Battle for Power’, Communist and Post-Communist Studies, 30, No. 4 (1998): 402, 410–11.
2. S. L. Solnick, ‘Gubernatorial Elections in Russia, 1996–97’, Post-Soviet Affairs, 14, 1 (1998): 50. Republican elections were also held in Ingushetiya, Kalmykiya, Bashkortostan, and Chuvashiya.
3. Among the 1995 elections, the most significant was the April 1995 election in Sverdlovsk oblast. In this case, Yeltsin’s former appointee, Eduard Rossel’, contested the moratorium on gubernatorial elections in the Constitutional Court and forced a compromise in which the complaint was withdrawn in exchange for a decree allowing the election to take place. G. M. Easter, ‘Redefining Centre-Regional Relations in the Russian Federation: Sverdlovsk Oblast”, Europe-Asia Studies, 49, No. 4 (1997): 617–36.
4. J. W. Hahn, ‘Democratization and Political Participation in Russia’s Regions’, in Democratic Changes and Authoritarian Reactions in Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, and Moldova, ed., K. Dawisha and B. Parrott ( Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1997 ), p. 157.
5. Ibid., pp. 62–4. Among the opposition candidates, the most successful were those who had previously served as chairs of regional assemblies. A. Shatilov and V. Nechaev, ‘Regional’nye vybory: osobennosti tekhnologii i kharakter predpochtenii’, Svobodnaya Mysl’, No. 6 (1997): 60.