1. Andhra Pradesh High Court (2009) Order dated 13 March 2009 in the Writ Petition No 5058 of 2009 between Toopran APIIC Industrial Park Land Losers Association and others versus Government of Andhra Pradesh and others. (The High Court issued a Stay on acquisition of lands and allowed farmers to cultivate their lands till further orders.).
2. Banerjee-Guha, Swapna (2008) ‘Space Relations of Capital and Significance of New Economic Enclaves: SEZs in India’, Economic and Political Weekly, 22 November: 51–59.
3. GOI (2007) Agriculture Statistics at a Glance 2006–2007, New Delhi: Ministry of Agriculture, Government of India.
4. Gopalakrishnan, Shankar (2007) ‘Special Economic Zones and Neoliberalism in India’, Man and Development 29 (4): 25–40.
5. Jeyaraj, Xavier (2008) ‘A SEZ with a Difference’, Social Action 58 (3): 5–11.